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    On the final day of Pride Month, the Supreme Court delivered a blow to gay rights. In 303 Creative vs. Elenis, the conservative supermajority on the court ruled, 6-3, that a web design company could deny its wedding website services to same-sex couples. For the first time in our history, the Supreme Court granted a business open to the public a constitutional right to discriminate against would-be customers.

      A bipartisan bill introduced by Sens. Charles E. Grassley, R-Iowa, and Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., would close several loopholes identified by The Washington Post in an investigative series published last fall. The investigation found hundreds of retired U.S. military officers taking lucrative jobs advising foreign governments known for human rights atrocities and political repression. The Retired Officers Conflict of Interest Act would require public reporting about who is working on behalf of which foreign governments and for how much.

      Candidate debates have become a fixture of presidential campaigns, and they’re especially valuable in primaries. Voters get a chance to see how well candidates perform under pressure, and relative unknowns get rare exposure against the front-runners. The debates helped Barack Obama in 2008 against Hillary Clinton, and they helped Donald Trump in 2016. So it’s notable that this time Trump is threatening not to debate.


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